Friday, September 13, 2019

KE APO Contents 1st and 2nd issue

This is my contents plan for my first issue of KE APO - taking inspiration from contents pages such as Cosmopolitan and Hello Fashion magazines. I decided to do a double spread for the first issue as this is the first magazine that readers will be viewing therefore I would prefer more visuals and content for the very opening issue. I carried on the theme of coral within the accents of the page (i.e. the page numbers and text box borders).  
This is the second issue's contents page, re-sizing to a single page spread. This i because there will not be as much content for the later issues and the issue doesn't have to be to extravagant as it is not the opening one. The accents again follow the colour theme seen on the front page - a dark blue - as demonstrated within the page numbers and again the ext boxes. K.A Contents is one of the features that creatures brand identity, along with having the same/similar heading for each column. 


KE APO Front Cover 1st & 2nd Issue


The 1st issue of KE APO will feature a first edition banner just under the mast head, highlighting to the audience that this is a new, upcoming travel magazine. I've used a coral coloured puff to enhance the cheap price of the magazine as it is a new magazine, catching the audience's eye but also fitting the summer theme with the colour coral. The date is placed just above the price, letting the readers know which montly issue this is - which will be August as this magazine will be released mid-summer. The grey background signifies an image that i will use for the front cover. The box down in the bottom right corner will be where the barcode sits, and the box above that carrying down the left border of the page will be places that are mentioned within this months issue. There will be no other images located on the front cover of the magazine, as i want a minimalist and simple front cover with it's main focus being the one main feature image filling the page. Therefore, the of-leds surrounding the image will only be text - where some will be coloured with the colour coral to match the issue's colour theme.   

The second issue of KE APO will have the same features as the first to keep up the brand identity - as that is one of the ost important features when releasing a new magazine. The colour theme however will change to dark blue to fit with the september theme, going into colde months. Again there will only be one main feature image filling the page, and therefore only text surrounding it. The layout will be slightly altered as with every diferent issue, but the date and price will be in the same layout (minus the price puff) and the barcode will be in the same bottom right corner.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Research shapes and text boxes

Feeling unsure about which text boxes to use specifically for price but also for other pieces of text on my front cover, I researched into different travel magazines and which shapes they used to show the price or just highlighted new in general.

Sticking with Neale's theory of repetition and difference, there seems to be many puff's which are circular or rectangular, especially for price or the 'top' however many things inside the magazine - therefore i have chosen to use a circular puff for my price, using an exotic blue to fit the theme and genre of a travel magazine.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Gender Representations


Gender is a social construction, it is taught to us by external influences and it's ingrained at such a young age that we often mistake is as 'nature' rather than 'nurture' - Butler

According to Gauntlett "performance of gender is foregrounded" - suggesting society dominates our gender due to societal normality. Gauntlett explores the role in digital media in self-identity and self-expression, fighting the stereotypes surrounded by gender. This theory is becoming more and more relevant in modern society and so bringing this theory into my magazine may feel comforting and empowering to readers who don't fit in to gender's stereotypes.
To establish this revolution in gender performance, I have planned and set out photo-shoots to contrast to the classic aesthetics of men - i.e masculine bodies, not wearing feminine colours such as pink, men aren't allowed to cry. This shoot will still appeal to travelling, enthusiastic young individuals, however will be inclusive to those who feel isolated within society without a mocking tone. For example, i planned a natural photo-shoot including male figures dressing femininely to break the stereotypical masculine shoots that cover classic magazine front covers such as Men's Health Magazine. 

Along with this theory, another theorist Judith Butler argues "that gender is a social construct" meaning people's sex shouldn't affect anyone's gender or ability to interchange different genders. Butler wrote a book called Gender Trouble which was written as a criticism of the current wave of feminism which saw men as women's oppressive enemy. Butler believed that this perspective makes male and female genders poplar opposites, which only reinforces the idea of patriarchal control between the two genders. This domination in gender is slowly changing, with feminism rising and the equality between the two genders are slowly becoming balanced (within some countries)  therefore i want to try and portray this within my photo shoots, as mentioned in the paragraph above. These theorists really link to today's modern society which is why i feel influenced by the two theory's. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Photo shoot Planning for Plymouth + Falmouth


  • Surfing - front cover edition 1 - front facing male model, stood holding board on beach. Sandy, wet hair, wet-suit (maybe action shot?) 
  • beer/form of alcohol (alcopops/lager) drunk in front of scenic view 
  • More landscape shots of beach, sunset 
  • Female surfers - ask surfers on beach - same shot as male just woman - confident shots - female health and body confidence - empowered connotations - intense gaze/ cheeky smirk.
  • beer on the beach/ beer on surf board


  • Uni shots - open day, link to target audience with the majority still being in education
  • More landscape shots
  • Cocktails on the beach 
  • Dog beach shots - link to travel aspect and show case good dog friendly beaches

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